UMass Amherst Renewably Sourced Electricity and CBPPAs

By Samantha Mariel Chasalow, Antonio Escallon, Kathryne Olivia Lovell, and Amelia Prestwood Navarre
Renewable Energy
iCons Year 2
UMass Amherst Renewably Sourced Electricity and CBPPAs
Executive Summary 

In order for UMass to lose its title as the state’s highest carbon emitter and make good on it’s promise to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, it must invest in clean energy. Without doing so, UMass will continue to rely on grid energy that won’t be carbon neutral until 2050, thereby delaying its own carbon neutrality and contributing further to the climate crisis. The best option for UMass to make the switch to sustainable energy is by signing a cross-border power purchase agreement (CBPPA). A CBPPA is an agreement between an electricity supplier and an energy consumer, in this case, UMass. A CBPPA secures a fixed long-term cost and allows UMass to contribute to the global energy transition. Factors such as UMass’s location, the recent energy policy released by the Biden administration and technological advancements make offshore wind energy a smart option for UMass to invest in. Of all sustainable energy sources, offshore wind turbines consume the least amount of energy and release the least amount of CO2. This agreement also allows UMass to consider and have a say in social equity problems such as the effects on the surrounding community, the environment, and marine life. Signing a CBPPA is the best option for UMass to be able to call itself carbon-neutral and become a leader in the battle against climate change.

Problem Keywords 
climate change
wind energy

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