Eligibility and Application Process

UMass Mahoney Alumni Award for the iCons Program

  • Applicants must be a graduate of the Integrated Concentration of STEM (iCons) Program at UMass Amherst, having completed their undergraduate degree at least two years prior to applying for the Mahoney Award.
  • Graduates may apply on their own behalf or nominate a fellow iCons graduate, who will be invited to apply.

How to Apply

Please submit the following in an application package by Thursday, March 21, 2024, using the online Mahoney Alumni Award for iCons Program Application.

  • Essay: 500-word essay describing (1) how the iCons experience and education have enhanced their careers, and (2) how they have remained engaged with the iCons community since graduating.
  • Letter of Support: Applicant must also submit a letter of support from a supervisor.

To Nominate a Peer

Send notice of nomination to iCons at icons@cns.umass.edu. Nominated individuals will be contacted and invited to submit an application.


Reviewers will identify a graduate of the program who demonstrates exemplary use of the iCons approach in their workplace or graduate studies and has remained engaged in the iCons community.

Applications will be reviewed by a small committee comprised of iCons instructors or friends of iCons and one student representative from each enrolled iCons cohort.


The selected prize winner will be notified in early spring, followed by a public announcement. The awardee is expected to make brief remarks on the value that iCons has provided to their career at the annual senior awards celebration.


Contact iCons at 413-545-3674 or email iCons at icons@cns.umass.edu with questions about this application and process.

Robert '70, Richard '55 and William '55 Mahoney portrayed in the Integrated Sciences BuildingThe Mahoney brothers all received their degrees in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. They went on to become leaders in their own industries and have served as high-level alumni advisers to the campus. The Mahoney brothers encourage the university to think differently about the way it serves its students and promotes the UMass Amherst education. Their commitment to student success is seen in their extraordinary efforts to personally mentor students and train other alumni to do the same, while their family legacy of giving and involvement is seen far and wide throughout the campus. The Mahoney Alumni Award for the iCons Program, like all that this family does for its alma mater, seeks to inspire and recognize greatness.