iCons Student Round Up: October 20th, 2014

The Second Wave iCons students currently in iCons 4 are hard at work on video abstracts, in which they explain the context and goals of their research. For a sneak preview, I spoke with Second Wave student Anthony Damiano. Anthony is an Environmental Science student on the iCons Renewable Energy Track.

His thesis is all about hydrology. The goal? To conduct a water balance study of a piece of land being restored in South Dakota using available climate and streamflow data. Pretty cool, no?! Anthony’s analysis will be used to determine the potential for this land. He’s hoping to find out how it can sustain waterfowl in comparison to its use as farmland or energy crops.

I asked him how his video is coming along, and he says his abstract script is in its first draft with video production set for this week. With a deadline of November second, it’s no surprise that everyone in iCons 4 is hard at work! At the end of the semester, these two-minute video abstracts will be available for viewing, but for now you’ll have to wait!

In the meantime, you should get excited for the upcoming iCons Fall Workshop!
It’s going to be amazing! On Tuesday, October 28th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM iCons will be hosting a panel of distinguished experts who will address the topic: “Building the Massachusetts Clean Energy Economy.” Come mingle with iCons students, hear from some really cool panelists, and eat snacks!