Mapping Transportation Accessibility in Boston

By Yi Ding, Cleo Hein, Jack Minella, Kushagra Srivastava, and Gabrielle Walczak
Renewable Energy
iCons Year 2
Executive Summary 

The final product is an interactive website, which includes a "Blob map" that helps users look through the accessibility for public transit at every location in Boston.

The data that has been collected are presented as a Voronoi Diagram overlaying every subway line of the MBTA. The Voronoi polygons on the map represents the blobs.

As the user hovers over a blob on the map on a computer or interactive digital display, an accessibility score between 0-100 will be displayed, to help the viewer judge the accessibility of a region. A high score means those living within the area have a greater opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint.

Check out the team's map and repository of code.

Based on the blob score, conclusions can be made regarding why some areas have higher scores than others. These blob scores may also reveal influential factors such as geography, community demographics, or other factors that alter transportation accessibility. Increasing the understanding of train accessibility throughout Boston will help the city achieve its ambitious carbon neutrality goal.

Problem Keywords 
Museum of Science
public transit
Scientific Keywords 
statistical analysis
mathematical model

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