What do bees do? An Open-Source Study of Eastern Carpenter Bee Behavior
Automated recording of daily vibroacoustic and behavioral activity in Xylocopa virginica
Only two studies offer detailed records of the behaviors performed by Xylocopa virginica (Hymenoptera: Apidae), the eastern carpenter bee. Vibroacoustic behaviors and circadian activity patterns remain unstudied. I built a custom, open-source data collection instrument and artificial nests to develop a more comprehensive ethological record of eastern carpenter bee behavior. A Raspberry Pi Zero WH managed instrument operation and data collection. A video camera and transducers were programmed to record activities at the artificial nest entrance and sounds produced within the artificial nest. Air temperatures were recorded daily with a digital thermometer. Photoperiod data (length of sunlight exposure) were recorded daily. The instrument was powered by mains power supply, with a supplemental lithium polymer battery in case of power outages. A PiJuice Uninterruptible Power Supply regulated electrical current flow through the instrument. With the video and audio recordings, I will identify circadian periods of high and low species activity (by the number of entries and exits to the nesting gallery) and I will count the daily frequencies of performed behaviors. Sound source localization will be performed on each audio recording to determine where in the nesting gallery vibroacoustic behaviors are performed. This custom data collection instrument can be used to automate naturalistic observations of behavior and modified to study other species.
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