Beyond the Classroom—iCons Fall Integrative Experiences

Ceramics Coffee Hour

The iCons Community joins together for many events outside the classroom.  Here are a few from last semester!

On November 8, while many where at the voting booth, Professor Dan Nocera from Harvard University led UMass students through his ground-breaking research solutions in the field of artificial photosynthesis. 

The iCons Fall Workshop is an annual event that brings together the campus community and iCons current and prospective students around an issue of great societal importance.  Students get a chance to ‘try on’ the iCons method – by working in teams to move the needle on a real-world problem.  In this case, students worked on solutions to energy capture and storage.

During the Ceramics Coffee Hour on November 29th, iCons students took a break from working on world problems to be creative with clay. Typical of the iCons student, they jumped right into something new – many of them waiting to try their hand at the pottery wheel.  i4 student, Dylan Masi, below, made a bowl for her mom for the holidays (her first attempt at the wheel by the way!).

iCons coffee hours happen at least once a month – look on the iCons website for details!

Photo of Dylan Masi, Class of 2017