News Highlights

UMass iCons Expands Horizons with New Policy Option: Making a Difference via Policies and Strategies for Social Change

Image of paper cut-out people around globe

In fall 2023, the UMass iCons Program introduced a new policy option for the 3rd-year “laboratory” requirement. In collaboration with the School of Public Policy (SPP), iCons students were eligible to take SPP 312 – Making a Difference: Policies and Strategies for Social Change. This course provided an opportunity for iCons students to explore policy and societal impact on problems related to the two iCons tracks of Biomedicine/Biosystems or Renewable Energy. This collaboration emphasizes the intersection of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) with policy, paving the way for a diverse generation of change-makers.

French Professor and Researcher Visits with Sustainability Programs, Including iCons

Picture of Cécile Renouard

Story from UMass News: The UMass Amherst Energy Transition Institute (ETI) recently hosted professor and researcher Cécile Renouard, president and co-founder of the new Campus of the Transition in France, while she was on a limited tour of U.S. college campuses to build collaborations and investigate innovative ways to incorporate equity and other social issues into sustainability education and in living labs.

What's In a Name?

Image of Messier 14. Courtesy of NASA.

UMass iCons is an academic program deeply entrenched in the ethos of exploration and innovation. Therefore it should not be surprising that the inspiration for the 14th cohort's name originates from the final frontier of exploration: space.

iCons Blog

Why We Teach iCons

UMass iCons in session

This editorial by H. Holden Thorp captures why.  

Science Magazine article, "Drop the Chalk"

Decoupage and Pizza: What a combo!

iCons does Decoupage

Tuesday 3/21, iCons students proved there is no craft they can't tackle.  Check Decoupage off the list.  Students and faculty (Ally Hunter) gathered in ISB 145 armed with nothing more than scissors, craft paper, e6000 apoxy, mod podge, and some creativity.  Some beautiful work was created and some fun had.  At the end of the time, the pizza box was empty and many were peeling the glue off of their fingers with a look of accomplishment on their faces.  A small break from the stresses of academic life.  

Come join us next time if you can make it :)

Beyond the Classroom—iCons Fall Integrative Experiences

Ceramics Coffee Hour

The iCons Community joins together for many events outside the classroom.  Here are a few from last semester!