The iCons Experience - Case Study demo day

EDIT: Room change- This event is now in Lederle Tower, room 201-203.

For all our iCons friends who've heard so much about our program, we've created an opportunity for you to experience it firsthand.

The iCons I “Global Challenges, Scientific Solutions” instructors -- Justin Fermann, Sue Leschine, and Steve Petsch -- are running a demonstration case study this summer on Cholera in Haiti, and YOU ARE INVITED to attend. This is a great opportunity to get a taste of the iCons way of learning integrative science, and to immerse yourself in a topic of great current importance.

Date: Thursday, June 16, 2011
Time: 1-3pm
Place: Lederle Graduate Research Tower, room 201-203
RSVP: please reply to Jane Markarian ( either way, to indicate whether or not you can attend this exciting opportunity.

Attendance is limited because of space limitations, so RSVPs will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If we receive enough interest, we may run a second case study demonstration.

Looking forward to seeing you on June 16th.

Best regards,
Scott Auerbach, Director