The UMass Amherst iCons program prepares our best undergraduates to be problem solvers, leaders and innovators in science, technology, and business. iCons recruits quality students across a diverse range of science, engineering, and business disciplines to identify global problems and find cutting edge solutions. The iCons program positions students for high achievement in graduate school and in their careers

News Highlights

French Professor and Researcher Visits with Sustainability Programs, Including iCons

Picture of Cécile Renouard

Story from UMass News: The UMass Amherst Energy Transition Institute (ETI) recently hosted professor and researcher Cécile Renouard, president and co-founder of the new Campus of the Transition in France, while she was on a limited tour of U.S. college campuses to build collaborations and investigate innovative ways to incorporate equity and other social issues into sustainability education and in living labs.

What's In a Name?

Image of Messier 14. Courtesy of NASA.

UMass iCons is an academic program deeply entrenched in the ethos of exploration and innovation. Therefore it should not be surprising that the inspiration for the 14th cohort's name originates from the final frontier of exploration: space.

UMass iCons Program Launches 14th Cohort with Focus on Urban Climate Change

Picture of students brainstorming real-world problems to solve

The 14th cohort of the UMass iCons Program, 72 diverse students spanning 29 majors across seven colleges, was launched on Saturday, December 2, 2023.

Upcoming Events

Thu, Apr 25 - 7:30pm

Online | Zoom

iCons Panel of Students

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